日本フレスコボール協会(JFBA) オフィシャルブログ


This article describes the speed gun system adopted by the Japan Fresco Ball Association.


①Basic rules(About speed gun system)


5 minutes (however, time stops each time a ball falls)

*please start playing within 10 seconds after the ball falls.

▼Scoring rules

Total score =① Speed bonus × ② Combo bonus ‒ ③ Drop ball deduction ‒ ④ Caution deduction

① Speed bonus

・The “ball speed” with 50km/h over is scored.

・Each player can score up to a maximum of 150 balls(50km/h+).

・After the 151st pitch onwards, the “top 150 balls with the highest pitch speed” is eligibled.

And scores is updated with every pitch.

・The scores for each speed are shown in the table on the right.

② Combo bonus 【 multiplied by “① Ball speed addition x 1.1”.】

・Bonus points is awarded under the following conditions:

– In the same direction, over 60km/h and over 6 consecutive times.

– Up to 30 balls are eligible for the bonus, and balls after the 31st are not eligible.

③ Drop ball deduction

・Drop ball deduction is applied after the 6th drop balls.

・Points is deducted by 3% for each dropped ball.

(e.g.) 6th drop balls=3% less

7th drop balls=6% 〃

8th drop balls=9% 〃

④ Caution deduction

・If you continue playing the following and receive a warning from the referee, points will be deducted.

– Continue playing beyond the 7m line

– Replay takes more than 10 seconds after dropping ball

1 caution=0% deduction of points

2 caution=10% deduction of points

3 caution=20% deduction of points

4 caution=30% deduction of points

5 caution=40% deduction of points

②Basic rules(About game management)

▼Distance between players

keeping at least “7m”.

▼Warming up

“1 minute” before the game.

*Time doesn’t stop even if the ball falls.

▼Break time during the game

“1 minute” at any time you declare to the referee.

▼Criteria for determining drop ball

1 When the ball touches the ground.

2 When the ball touches the body of a player, spectator, or referee.

3 When the ball touches an obstacle (a tent, net, chair, etc.)

*If that rally continues even though the above applies, dropp ball may be counted and the rally may not be called off.

▼Official ball

Pink balls sold by the Japan Fresco Ball Association


▼Ball management during the game

At the start of the competition, players are prohibited from holding any balls other than the one ball used for the rally.

Use the ball given by the ball distributor.

▼Ball distributor

Players will designate one person before the game.

The ball distributor must be located on the opposite side of the referee. This is to ensure the visibility of referees.

It doesn’t matter which side of the player the ball is passed to.


Not specified.

▼Start and end of the game

Announcement sound plays.

■Contact us
Japan Frescoball Association
Phone number: 03-6304-3295
Email: contact@frescoball.org